Hanzi-Color Converter
前段时间偶然看到中国传统色,其中每个颜色都有个不明觉厉的名字。作为一个起名爱好者,我自然就在想有没有别的起名方式。然后我就想到,用 UTF-8 一个汉字三字节,用 RGB 一个颜色也是三字节,如此一来,每个字就可以直接有个对应的颜色了。好耶,搞起来!
What Did I Do Over the Past Three Months?
Almost nothing. A little monster hunting, job hunting, and apartment hunting.
Alias Method
This post introduces the alias method for efficient sampling from a finite discrete probability distribution. After preprocessing, it takes constant time to draw random values. An interactive visualization is provided.
Runge-Kutta Methods
A simple JavaScript implementation of explicit and non-adaptive Runge-Kutta methods.
Write a Command Line Tool Using Bash
I wrote a simple command line tool for my blog. Here are a few key takeaways about the tool usage, some Bash language features, several Bash commands, and how to write custom Bash autocompletion function.
Use three.js in Jekyll Blog (3)
This is the 3rd post in the Use three.js in Jekyll Blog series («). Here you can see a robot (UR5) in my blog for the first time, and it can be used for various demos, for example, inverse kinematics, trajectory planning, etc.
A Brute Force 24 Game Solver in Python
Brute-force search with generators and recursion. Extremely slow, but generic and easy to write.
19 post articles, 3 pages.